
Monday, March 14, 2011

Term 1 Reflections

Hi everyone,

I am once again back, now giving you guys my reflections.

So yeah, I feel that this term was rather enriching and innovative, with Ms. Nada being our Science Teacher for the year.

This term was fun! During lessons, we had jokes making the class laugh. Everyone had fun! During practicals, we learnt and once again had fun! For example, we were told to hold a piece of Magnesium ribbon to burn over the Bunsen Burner. The suspense created by Ms. Nada when she introduced us to this made us even more curious to see the result of the experiment. The result of this experiment was that a very sharp and bright light was produced. That light was actually Magnesium Oxide (MgO). When this light was produced, everyone went "WOAH....' and that was very surprising for us who had not really done a successful experiment before.

Next up, I will be reflecting on my grades.

This term, I had gotten an A2. I felt that I do not deserve this grade as I could had gotten an A1. If I had put in more efforts and studied, I would be able to get 1 more mark, allowing me to get an A1, putting me into a situation where I could have the possibility of getting an exemption, which means I do not need to take the final exam for Science. Also, I felt that I do not deserve this grade as this term was very easy. This is so as Chemistry compared to Biology and Physics, is more of common sense and pure reading and memorising. If I had spent more time reading up my notes, I would not have gotten only an A2! Therefore, I rather regretted my actions of not studying until the last minute which caused my grades. However, with this failure, this would serve as a reminder for me to study even harder, so as to score well for the next test, which might help me in my marks.

Aloysius Chan

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