
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Term 3 Reflection

Hi guys,

Once again, it is another end of term, and I shall bring to you guys, my reflection upon this term.

My grades this term was GREAT! And I really meant GREAT! This term I scored very well! I scored an A1! I was overwhelmed by my grade this term. Finally my efforts have not been in drain! I think that this term was rather easy when compared to the other terms due to the fact that this term was mostly on Physics and Ecology and that the test that was set was also rather easy. Therefore, I feel that that is the main reason why I scored an A1 this term. Another reason may be due to the fact that after my experience in Term 1 and 2, I realised that I have to study really hard in order to get good grades. Hence this term, I studied quite hard for the test, and thus, I manged to score an A1.

This term was not as fun as the previous terms, as this term, we had more of the "teacher to students" lessons, instead of practicals, which were fun. And the practicals that we did this term was also rather boring as compared to Chemistry, where we can interact with the chemicals, and see the result of mixing chemicals around.

In all, I find that this term was rather boring when compared to the other terms. Also I find that this term is rather easy when compared to the other terms, as we studied mostly of Physics and Ecology and, since Physics is rather interlinked with Mathematics, and my Mathematics is rather good, therefore, I think that is the main reason why I managed to score rather well in Mathematics.

Aloysius Chan

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